《電馭叛客:邊緣行者》(Cyberpunk 2077)於Netflix推出後大受好評,甚至帶動了原作遊戲的銷量,同時也引起了大眾對Cyberpunk世界觀的諸多討論。
Cyberpunk通常建立在「Hight-tech, Low-life」的未來世界,結合了「高度發展的科技」以及「資源分配不均的社會」。人類沒有因科技的反展而走向烏托邦的美好未來,反而因為資源的分配不均與掠奪,使得底層社會更加失序、混亂。在這樣高度反差的背景下,Cyberpunk常能帶給人們深刻的反思與衝擊。
題名 | 上映/出版年 | 版權 | 索書號 | 簡介 |
アキラ = Akira | 1988 | 公播版 | (VV) 987.85 4044 | 故事的舞臺是在西元2019年,從第三次世界大戰的創傷中復興的新東京.在極度高科技與繁榮的大都會背後,軍隊和游擊隊圍繞著最高機密「阿基拉計畫」,展開一場又一場的激烈戰鬥.酷愛飆車的不良少年"金田"和他的同伴"鐵雄",在無意間被捲入這場戰鬥當中.. |
Elysium = 極樂世界 | 2013 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.2 E59 2013 | n the year 2154 two groups of people remain; the extremely wealthy who reside on an immaculate man-made space station named Elysium, and the rest, who occupy an overpopulated, destroyed Earth. Max decides to embark on a mission that could bring equality to the opposed worlds. |
一級玩家 = Ready player one | 2018 | 公播版 | (VV) 987.83 3216 | "導演史蒂芬史匹柏再度打造出一部視覺華麗的科幻冒險片!在2045年,全世界正瀕臨混亂與瓦解的邊緣,人們只能從虛擬世界"綠洲"中尋求慰藉."綠洲"是一個遼闊的虛擬實境宇宙,由鬼才詹姆士哈勒代(馬克勞倫斯 飾)所創建,他在死後的遺囑中宣布不僅要把遺產留給第一個在"綠洲"找到"程式彩蛋"的人,同時可以掌控"綠洲'"-- 片盒 |
大都會 Metropolis | 2001 | 家用版 | (VV) 987.83 4422-12 | 大都會敘述一個未來世界的城市,富人與權貴們住在一個富麗堂皇的摩天大樓內過著享樂的生活,而工人們只能在地底下工作與生活.工業主約翰弗賴德森仔細地檢視著城市的每個角落,但他的兒子弗賴德卻反對父親的獨裁統治,特別當他愛上了工人階級的瑪麗亞後,企圖幫助工人們擺脫工業主的剝削和壓迫.約翰意識到情勢危殆,於是請發明家特萬打造一個貌似瑪麗亞的機器人,並綁架真正的瑪麗亞,然後讓機器人回到群眾中煽動工人暴亂摧毀一切,如此工業主就可以此為藉口鎮壓工人,繼續他的高壓統治來維持他的地位.事情發展一如預料,但弗賴德卻是唯一的變數 |
Brazil = 巴西 | 1985 | 公播版 | (VV) PN1997.A23 B73z 1998 | A daydreaming bureaucrat becomes involved with an underground superhero and a beautiful mysterious woman and becomes the tragic victim of his own romantic illusions. |
世界旦夕之間=Welt am Draht | 1973 | 家用版 | (BD) PN1997 W675z 2012 | Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation presents ; written by Fritz Müller-Scherz, Rainer Werner Fassbinder ; directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder ; produced by Peter Märthesheimer, Alexander Wesemann |
Tron系列 | ||||
電子世界爭霸戰=Tron : the original classic | 1982 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997 T766z 2011 | Walt Disney Pictures ; a Lisberger-Kushner production ; screenplay by Steven Lisberger ; produced by Donald Kushner ; directed by Steven Lisberger. |
創 : 光速戰記 | 2010 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.2 T755z 2011 | Walt Disney Pictures presents a Sean Bailey production ; produced by Sean Bailey, Jeffrey Silver, Steven Lisberger ; screenplay by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz ; directed by Joseph Kosinski. |
銀翼殺手系列 | ||||
Blade runner = 銀翼殺手 | 1982 | 公播版 | (VV) PN1995.9.S26 B53z 1999 | Rick Deckard prowls the steel-and-microchip jungle of 21st-century Los Angeles. He's a "blade runner" stalking genetically-made criminal replicants. His assignment: kill them. Their crime: wanting to be human. This new version omits Deckard's voiceover narration, develops in slightly greater detail the romance between Deckard and Rachel, and removes the "uplifting" finale. |
Blade runner 2049 = 銀翼殺手2049 | 2017 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.2 B5334z 2018 | A young blade runner's discovery of a long buried secret leads him to track down former blade runner Rick Deckard, who's been missing for thirty years. |
攻殼機動隊 | ||||
攻殼機動隊 Ghost in the shell | 1995 | 家用版 | (VV) 987.85 4031 | 西元2029年,在情報化的網路覆蓋整個地球的同時,電腦犯罪也成了習以為常的現象.草薙素子少校隸屬於人稱「攻殼機動隊」的公安九課,是一個除了大腦以外全身都經過特殊改造的改造人,她為了一名身份不詳的駭客「傀儡師」而展開調查;然而這卻是另一項重大陰謀的開端.. |
攻殼機動隊 Ghost in the shell | 2017 | (VV) PN1997.2 G467z 2017 | In the near future, Major is the first of her kind: A human saved from a terrible crash, who is cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to stopping the world's most dangerous criminals. When terrorism reaches a new level that includes the ability to hack into people's minds and control them, Major is uniquely qualified to stop it. As she prepares to face a new enemy, Major discovers that she has been lied to: her life was not saved, it was stolen. | |
攻殼機動隊2 イノセンス = Innocence | 2004 | 公播版 | (VV) 987.85 4031-1 | 在人類幾乎被電腦化的近未來,發生了一起少女型的玩具機械人突然失控,並且殺害人類的意外.負責調查此案的公安九課刑警巴特,雖然自己的大腦也正遭受著駭客的侵襲,不過他還是努力朝著事件的核心去調查...除了延續前作(Ghost in the shell/攻殼機動隊)那種由華麗的電腦動畫所構成的大量情報之外,時而跳脫懸疑風格的故事主體並以「禪學」為出發點的對話,也大幅超越了前作的表現,而深奧的故事內容以及沉默寡言的巴特在劇中的整體表現,更是本作最大的重點.至於劇中所描述的「未來」,更是一個被機械和網路支配一切的冰冷世界,或許這就是押井守針對前作中所提出的「何謂人類?何謂靈魂?」這個問題,給觀眾的最後答案吧 |
Psycho-Pass | ||||
心靈判官 サイコパス = Psycho-pass | 2012-2013 | 家用版 | (VV) 987.85 2130 | 1, 犯罪指數 -- 2, 人盡其才 -- 3, 飼育的規矩 -- 4, 你無人知曉的假面具 -- 5, 你無人知曉的面孔 -- 6, 狂王子的歸來 -- 7, 紫蘭的花語 -- 8, 剩下的只有沉默 -- 9, 樂園的果實 -- 10, 瑪士撒拉的遊戲 -- 11, 聖人的晚餐 -- 12, 魔鬼的十字路口 -- 13, 來自深淵的邀請 -- 14, 甜美的毒藥 -- 15, 硫磺飄落的城市 -- 16, 審判之門 -- 17, 鐵石肚腸 -- 18, 寫在水上的承諾 -- 19, 透明的影子 -- 20, 正義之所在 -- 21, 鮮血的褒賞 -- 22, 完美的世界 |
Psycho-pass : the movie | 2016 | 家用版 | (BD) RA1223.B54 P78z 2016 | Inspector Akane Tsunemori must figure out how terrorists from the state of Seaun are eluding the Sibyl System and causing havoc in Japan, bringing her face-to-face in a standoff with an old ally-turned-enemy. |
駭客任務系列 | ||||
The matrix = 駭客任務 | 1999 | 家用版 | (VV) 987.83 1044-15 | 二十二世紀的電腦駭客--尼歐,熟悉電腦的他也讓自己處於真實與虛擬的世界中.在命運的指引下,尼歐認識以莫斐斯為首的地下自由鬥士的組織.他們的最終目標是對抗控制全人類的邪惡電腦,電腦母體以虛擬實境的手法,架構出二十世紀末的假象,操控全人類如同玩偶一般,尼歐身負重大使命,必須打敗母體,才能拯救全人類! |
Matrix reloaded = 駭客任務:重裝上陣 | 2003 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.2 M38759 2003 | Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus continue to lead the revolt against the Machine Army. In their quest to save the human race from extinction, they gain greater insight into the construction of The Matrix and Neo's pivotal role in the fate of mankind. |
The matrix revolutions Warner Bros = 駭客任務完結篇:最終戰役 | 2003 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1995.9.S26 M39 2004 | Neo remains unconscious in the real world, caught in a mysterious subway station that lies between the machine world and the matrix. Bane is still a conduit for Agent Smith, who continues to grow more out of control. Meanwhile, the sentinels are coming dangerously close to Zion. Trinity and Morpheus bargain with The Merovingian to free Neo. Neo, after meeting The Oracle, decides he must leave Zion and go for the machine mainframe. One final battle must ensue, and the future of both races is at stake. |
The matrix resurrections = 駭客任務:復活 | 2021 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.2 M3875z 2022 | "Return to the world of two realities: everyday life... and what lies behind it. To truly know himself, Neo must follow the white rabbit once again into the Matrix. Of course, Neo already what he has to do. What he doesn't know is that the Matrix is more dangerous than ever. Déja vu" -- Container |
機器戰警系列 | ||||
Robocop | 1987 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997 R574 2001 | RoboCop is designed to stop a crimewave which is spreading all across America. The cyborg, created from the body of a slain Detroit police officer, is programmed to serve the public trust, uphold the law and protect the innocent. All goes well at first and RoboCop stops every sleaze ball he encounters, but there are forces which will stop at nothing to see him eliminated. |
Robocop | 2014 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.2 R636z 2014 | The year is 2028 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. When Alex Murphy, a loving husband, father and good cop, is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer. OmniCorp envisions a RoboCop in every city and even more billions for their shareholders, but they never counted on one thing. There is still a man inside the machine pursuing justice. |