「齊柏林飛船 Led Zeppelin」活躍於60~70年代,並且被公認是音樂史上最成功,創新,及最有影響力的搖滾團體。除了是「搖滾名人殿堂Rock'n Roll Hall Of Fame」的一員之外,他們更獲得了「葛萊美終生成就獎」,「葛萊美名人堂」以及其他多項獎項。經典名曲Stairway to Heaven更被大多數樂評譽為是世界第一的搖滾歌曲。樂團作曲主要以藍調及民謠為基礎,再加上搖滾、爵士、鄉村、放克、靈魂樂這些元素所組成。以當時那個年代來說齊柏林飛船的曲風充滿了力道及速度感,而吉他為主的編曲及特殊的節奏更常讓他們被視為硬式搖滾及重金屬樂的始祖。而其他受到他們影響的樂手更包括了Nirvana、Madonna、Lady Gaga等並促進了另類搖滾的發展。除了音樂本身之外,他們的影響力更改變了整個唱片市場的運作,特別是專輯導向搖滾(Album Oriented Rock-AOR)以及Stadium Rock的發展。AOR是廣播電台播放模式,當時的廣播電台大多都是以播放單曲為主,但因為火紅的齊柏林飛船拒絕以單曲的形式發行他們的音樂,而直接促成了電台播放專輯歌曲的意願。Stadium Rock則是用來形容在大場地(體育館,巨蛋等)舉辦搖滾演唱會的名詞,而齊柏林飛船是史上第一個在大場地舉辦搖滾演唱會並且票房狂賣的音樂家。他們永遠改變了大型演唱會的經營方式並被譽為是影響力僅次於披頭四的樂團。
什麼是硬式搖滾(Hard Rock)?
此專輯是齊柏林飛船12年活動期間的精選輯,由Led Zeppelin成員從至今出過的八張專輯裡精心挑選出最具代表性的24首歌曲。包括了世界第一的搖滾歌曲Stairway to Heaven、複雜變拍的Black Dog、及前衛的Achilles Last Stand。歌單從最舊到最新的歌曲以年份順序排名,可慢慢聆聽樂團12年間的轉變並一起感受齊柏林飛船的歷史。
1. "Good Times Bad Times" (from Led Zeppelin, 1969)
2. "Communication Breakdown" (from Led Zeppelin, 1969)
3. "Dazed and Confused" (from Led Zeppelin, 1969)
4. "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" (from Led Zeppelin, 1969)
5. "Whole Lotta Love" (from Led Zeppelin II, 1969)
6. "Ramble On" (from Led Zeppelin II, 1969)
7. "Heartbreaker" (from Led Zeppelin II, 1969)
8. "Immigrant Song" (from Led Zeppelin III, 1970)
9. "Since I've Been Loving You" (from Led Zeppelin III, 1970)
10. "Rock and Roll" (from Led Zeppelin IV, 1971)
11. "Black Dog" (from Led Zeppelin IV, 1971)
12. "When the Levee Breaks" (from Led Zeppelin IV, 1971)
13. "Stairway to Heaven" (from Led Zeppelin IV, 1971)
14. "The Song Remains the Same" (from Houses of the Holy, 1973)
15. "Over the Hills and Far Away" (from Houses of the Holy, 1973)
16. "D'yer Mak'er" (from Houses of the Holy, 1973)
17. "No Quarter" (from Houses of the Holy, 1973)
18. "Trampled Under Foot" (from Physical Graffiti, 1975)
19. "Houses of the Holy" (from Physical Graffiti, 1975)
20. "Kashmir" (from Physical Graffiti, 1975)
21. "Nobody's Fault but Mine" (from Presence, 1976)
22. "Achilles Last Stand" (from Presence, 1976)
23. "In the Evening" (from In Through the Out Door, 1979)
24. "All My Love" (from In Through the Out Door, 1979)