題名 | 版權 | 索書號 | 條碼 | 簡介 | |
♦ | 家用/公播 | (VV) 987.83 7147-2 | 3529543/3522677 | 改編自全球暢銷同名小說,由金獎導演李安與頂尖好萊塢團隊攜手打造的奇幻冒險鉅作.敘述一位少年Pi遭遇船難,在海上漂流227天,面對困境獲得重生的故事.如真似幻的海上歷險,少年Pi與他的同伴孟加拉虎在漂流期間所培養出的珍貴情誼,過程中充滿啟發並觸發心靈深處的感動.藉由少年的探索之旅,開啟觀眾全新視覺領域,引領觀眾進入前所未有的冒險旅程! | |
大虎 = The tiger = 대호 : 獸獵傳奇 | 公播版 | (VV) 987.83 4321-3 | 3803424 | 這是朝鮮最頂尖獵人以及最後一隻"大虎"的故事.1925年,獵人"千萬德(崔岷植 飾)"棄槍隱居,在智異山上和獨生子相依為命.該山山君是"大虎",也是村民恐懼和尊敬的對象. 由於虎皮被視為征服朝鮮的戰利品,湧入村裡的日軍下令追捕大虎.日本高官想在回國前捕獲,便催促日軍和朝鮮獵捕隊儘速得手.獵捕隊首領和投靠日本軍的朝鮮人為了抓到不輕易洩露蹤跡的大虎,使出手段要萬德加入...交手無數次的他和大虎再次相遇!獸獵傳奇就此展開! | |
雙虎奇緣 = Two brothers | 家用版 | (VV) PN1995.9.C36 T86z 2005 | 2878149 | Two mischievous twin tiger cubs are born in the jungle but are soon separated and taken into captivity. One is sold off to the circus and the other becomes the pampered pet of the governor's son. They are reunited years later by an explorer who trains them to be sport fighters and inadvertently forces them to fight each other. | |
阿拉丁 = Aladdin (真人版) | 家用版 | (VV) 987.83 2744-21 | 3806966 | "擦亮神燈,小心翼翼許下三個願望...在沙漠中心的古老城市裡,藏著神祕的傳說,只要獲得帶有魔法的神燈,法力無邊的精靈就會實現你的三個願望.機智的窮小子阿拉丁,遇上了勇敢獨立的茉莉公主,對抗邪惡巫師賈方,阻止他密謀叛變奪取國王寶座,藉由幽默調皮的神燈精靈出手相助,譜出一段浪漫的愛情故事.<<阿拉丁>>真人版電影音樂由曾獲8座奧斯卡金像獎的配樂大樂艾倫孟肯擔任配樂,當中包括曾獲奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲的<<A Whole New World>>,更有全新創作的歌曲,讓您回味無窮!"-- 片盒 | |
阿拉丁 = Aladdin | 家用版 | (VV) 987.85 4047 | 2565950 | 阿拉丁和猴子好友阿布原本過著快樂自在的生活,一場意外讓他獲得一張飛天魔毯以及一盞神燈.逗趣的神燈精靈把阿拉丁變成風度翩翩的王子,想要贏得茉莉公主的芳心,可是王宮裡邪惡的巫師賈方卻擄走了神燈和公主.在猴子阿布及飛天魔毯的幫忙下,阿拉丁能夠克服自己不是真正王子的心理障礙,勇敢面對挑戰,把心愛的公主從賈方的魔掌中救出嗎?而且,阿拉丁的第三個願望也面臨抉擇,他是要繼續假扮王子身份以追求公主,還是要信守諾言放精靈自由呢? | |
與森林共舞 = The jungle book | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.2 J864z 2016 | 3324422 | An epic adventure about Mowgli, a man-cub who's been raised by a family of wolves. Mowgli finds he is no longer welcome in the jungle when fearsome tiger Shere Khan, who bears the scars of Man, promises to eliminate what he sees as a threat. Urged to abandon the only home he's ever known, Mowgli embarks on a captivating journey of self discovery, guided by panther turned stern mentor Bagheera, and the free spirited bear Baloo. | |
藍色夢奇地 Modrý tygr | 家用版 | (VV) 987.83 1015-4 | 3524275 | 卡卡的媽媽和馬修的爸爸一起經營一座老舊的植物園,這對麻吉從小與大自然為伍,過著快樂無憂的生活.然而有一天,邪惡的好市長搭上了建商,藉都更之名,依法行政,要拆掉這座植物園,建立大型的購物中心,從中獲取利益.同樣來自單親家庭的卡卡及馬修在學校偶爾遭受霸凌,這座植物園是他們的遊樂園也是他們的避風港.卡卡是個愛幻想的女孩,她一直幻想著植物園裡有一隻藍色的小老虎,沒想到夢想成真了!藍色的小老虎為這片夢奇地帶來奇蹟,小老虎成了對抗好市長的大絕招,也成功保住了卡卡的植物園.... | |
India the kingdom of the tiger | 家用版 | (VV) QL737.C23 I53 2002b | 2873457 | "Journey across India, a breathtaking land shaped by myriad of cultures, customs and traditions. Come face to face with the Bengal tiger and explore the spectacular world of this majestic creature"--Container. | |
虎域 = Land of the tige | 家用版 | (VV) 389.818 2143 | 2227771 | 在原始的印度叢林裡,獨行狩獵的老虎在其各自的領域稱王.讓我們跟著鏡頭捕捉牠的神祕蹤跡,觀賞勇猛迅捷的牠在狩獵時是如何潛近.埋伏與偷襲獵物,以及在老虎國度裡,許多野生動物之間互相掠食的關係.片中,您亦將看見其等待獵物時超凡的耐心和照顧幼虎時細心溫柔的一面.請您一同深入虎域遨遊,盡情欣賞叢林之王的赫赫英姿 | |
醉後大丈夫 = The hangover | 家用版 | (VV) 987.83 2124-18 | 3805391 | "他們計畫舉辦一次永生難忘的賭城告別單身派對,現在他們真的需要記得到底發生了什麼事情!凱撒宮套房衣櫃裡的嬰兒是誰的?老虎怎麼會在浴室裡?為什麼有一個人少了一顆牙齒?最重要的是,新郎到哪裡去了?!這些傢伙在狂歡痛飲時到底做了什麼,現在要從毫無忌憚的狂歡作樂中清醒是非常重要,他們逐漸想起前一晚所有錯誤的決定,一次一個模糊的線索.導演陶德菲利普斯(老派手法)與王牌喜劇演員,以某種方式結合在一起帶來意想不到的愉快時光.與<醉後大丈夫>一起飲酒作樂吧"-- 片盒 | |
我們買了動物園 = We bought a zoo | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.2 W4 2012 | 3524232 | Adapted from a memoir by Benjamin Mee, the story of how the author, who has lost his wife, and his children cope with a dilapidated zoo, dealing with escaped tigers, raising endangered animals, working with an eclectic skeleton crew and readying the zoo for a reopening. | |
紅衣小女孩2 | 公播版 | (VV) 987.83 8845-2 | 3805168 | "整日奔波處理許多個案的社工師李淑芬(楊丞琳 飾),某天接獲通報到一樁虐童案件,正盤查女童母親林美華(高慧君 飾)時,突然接到女兒雅婷下午失蹤於校園的消息,心急如焚的淑芬查看學校監視器後,竟發現雅婷跟著一名穿著紅衣、身影詭異的小女孩離去,這個小女孩是誰?她們要去哪裡?循著線索,淑芬隨著救難隊在山區的廢棄醫院發現疑似雅婷的蹤影,但找回的卻是失蹤已久的廣播主持人沈怡君(許瑋甯 飾).無計可施的淑芬只好先將精神不穩定的怡君帶回家,希望能從中問到女兒的下落,沒想到帶回家的可能不只是怡君..."-- 片盒 | |
動物方程市 = Zootopia | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.2 Z66 2016 | 3327228 | Zootopia is a city like no other that is comprised of habitat neighborhoods like ritzy Sahara Square and frigid Tundratown, it's a melting pot where animals from every environment live together. But when optimistic Officer Judy Hopps arrives, she discovers that being the first bunny on a police force of big, tough animals isn't so easy. Determined to prove herself, she jumps at the opportunity to crack a case, even if it means partnering with a fast-talking, scam-artist fox, Nick Wilde. | |
Kung fu panda collection = 功夫熊貓 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.A1 K867 2011 | 3523323-4 | Clumsy Po the panda dreams of becoming a kung fu master when he is invited to study with legendary fighters under the leadership of Master Shifu; newly anointed Dragon Warrior Po must look to his past in order to prevent Lord Shen from taking over China and eliminating kung fu; Po and the Furious Five uncover the legend of three of kung fu's greatest heroes. | |
武松 = Tiger Killer | 家用版 | (VV) 987.83 1772 [disc2] [no.8] | 3079566 | 縣都頭武松因受大嫂潘金蓮挑逗,責其無恥;潘向夫武大郎訛說遭調戲,大郎心中不信,但武松已收拾行李,搬回縣衙居住;數月後,潘在隔壁王婆撮合下,與縣中破落戶財主西門慶通姦..... | |
摯友維尼 | KMOVIE | 這位無憂無慮、貪吃蜂蜜的童年好友,無視眼前的迫切危機,硬要克里斯多弗一起踏上毫不重要的冒險!誰知道,也許小熊維尼和克里斯多弗看似無用的旅程,能解決他工作上的燙手難題,找回好久不見的陽光笑容……。 | |||
古魯家族 = The Croods | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.5 C75z 2013 | The Croods is a prehistoric comedy adventure that follows the world's first family as they embark on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always shielded them from danger is destroyed. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures, and their outlook is changed forever. | ||
冰原歷險記4 = Ice age4 | 家用版 | (VV) PN1997.5 I234z 2012 | 3523584 | Scrat's constant quest for an acorn causes a shift in the ice. Manny, Sid, and Diego end up stranded on an iceberg in the middle of the sea. A group of misfit pirates are determined to stop the trio from ever returning home. | |
冰原歷險記3 恐龍現身 = Ice age 3 : dawn of the dinosaurs | 家用版 | (VV) 987.85 4647 | 3523571 | 這批難兄難弟在好不容易渡過冰原時期的凍凍危機,也化解了冰河融化時的危機,此刻的蠻尼跟伊麗一心只期待小長毛象的誕生!狄亞哥卻開始懷疑自己到底有沒有資格成為一隻劍齒虎,因為他莫名得變溫柔了!喜德則依然貪生怕死且帶"賽",但憑著"天上小鳥都會飛下來讓他烤"的本事,此時正開創人生的第二春,做起搶恐龍蛋的生意來了! | |
冰原歷險記2 Ice age 2 : the meltdown | 公播版 | (VV) 987.85 0027 | 2604302 | 好不容易渡過冰原時期的凍凍危機,長毛象蠻尼.劍齒虎狄亞哥,樹獺喜德,滿心期待一個不再寒冷的美好世界,但是他們很快就發現,冰原融化的速度超乎預期,巨大的冰壩即將融化,連冰帶水摧毀一切.冰原三英雄拚命警告其他動物大洪水即將來襲,同時得將搞不清楚狀況的動物們組成遠征軍,尋找新的棲息地. | |
冰原歷險記 = Ice age | 公播版 | (VV) 987.85 5313 | 2604300 | 一名突如其來的人類棄嬰,讓三隻性格迥異的冰河時期的史前動物不得不湊在一起, 尖酸刻薄的長毛象,粗魯無禮的樹獺,以及詭計多端的劍虎,牠們不但要充當小寶寶的保姆,還要經歷冰河時期的各種千驚萬險護送他回家.. |
歡迎前來借閱欣賞! 預祝「虎」年行大運